We can also arange Deer/fox/rat/Squirrel/Corvid control, Barn clearance of feral pigeons and clearing Rabbits with ferrets,net,and
guns or trapping.Also Avialable is our resident Falconer for when you cant use any of the above methods. If we dont do it
we know a man who can so drop me a line as advice costs nothing & we will only be to pleased to help if we can.
Olde English Falconary
If you have a problem with moles Please contact the BRITISH TRADITIONAL MOLECATCHERS REGISTER, These are a great bunch
of people who will find you a mole catcher In your local area or find you a visting one, As they say they wont make a
mountain out of a mole hill, Just click on thier link & see for yourself.
Britsh Mole Catchers Registers Link
Woodspring Pigeon Shooting & Wildfowling Clubs E-mail link
Most of the Club out on this momentus |
Boxing day 2006 |